Where do we go from here?
January 5, 2021
I write this fueled by FOMO of what is being touted as “the most historical event of our life time.”
And what a time it is, on the eve of 1/6/21, perhaps a day that will prove as significant as one in 1776.
This is a battlefield, formed and fought through information warfare, on social media platforms, powered by patriots against an enemy who’s face is shifting as we watch.
We come ready and mobilize when the call is made, to use our own certain skillsets in a fight for our great country.
Americans, along with citizens in every other country have been afflicted with the viral effects of deception, control, and a vast grab for constantly expanding power.
Like a Game of Thrones plot, the elusive Deep State, along with the elite Cabal, tinkers with the minds of people, swaying mass communities; convincing us through subliminal social whispers and loud headlines from the main stream media. Together they apply political heat and manufacture organic social injustice to twist the will of countries and regions who’s people are being forced to bend the knee.
Some societies are crumbling to the viral ploy with little if any resistance. Many, still in a mental and spiritual slumber have no idea there is a fight to be had at all. They’re simply doing what they are being told.
But there are those who are inherently incapable of rising to the fear being propagated upon them. One, is president Magufuki of Tanzania, known as a divisive president, he calls the bluff, refusing to give in to the narrative of the global scamdemic.
And then there is America. Rooted in a foundation of individual freedoms, rights, and responsibilities.
The fundamental thread and bloodline of our country made up of civilians who were both born and bred in the US, and also those who have come here seeing the value that an American way of life carries, and left their homelands to make America their new soil.
Today, the very freedom that our founding fathers fought so diligently to create and maintain, is daily being taken bit by bit away from us. There is no fight, no slaughter. We are handing our freedom over, having been fooled to believe that it is for the “sake of a better good.”
Our country has been involved in battlefield warfare. We have a media driven understanding, of what such chaos, and destruction looks like. Some of us have learned US history, but we did not learn the lessons that would have prepared us for the evil that comes through the door with a smile instead of a gun.
This evil, that is at war with us, leaves us unclear as to the nature of the conflict of which we are engaged. It feeds false information to us as facts. It twists and manipulates biology, math, gender, sickness versus health; it turns our reality that we once knew as certain, and flips it on it’s head, in what Candace Owens calls, “the Post Reality Era.” The method is subversive, and its tactic is effective at feeding on our well intentioned American decency.
There are those who have sensed this all along. There are those who are coming to understand this. And, there those who simply sense something off, but are not quite sure why.
I ask you to please feel my words.
Let the weight of this burden that you are struggling with in your homes, of how to provide for your families, how to pay your employees, how to pay your mortgage, call and propel you to a figurative and literal, mentally “ready” stance.
Know this to be true, there is a great ill will and evil in the world that is broader then our comprehension. We may have had some sense of its existence previously. But, it is no longer merely “out there”. It is not even just at our door. We are past keeping it out, for we have welcomed it directly into our homes.
We are at the stage where it is time to fight it with all we have.
We need to fight with the same fervor as our predecessors. With an understanding and consciousness that is attune to our modern era. We fight for our freedom and to maintain our constitutional rights and liberties. Yet we must be very clear that right now, we have already lost too much, and at this point, we are fighting to get back what has been and is being taken from us.
It is time to take back our lives, our rights, and our freedoms.
In this phase of the battle, we fight wielding an untraditional conceptual weapon. That weapon is confidence and the will to drive forward. A simple first step is, we must take a leap of faith to reopen our businesses.
With survival and self preservation in mind, it is time that we practice through application, our God given freedoms, by opening up our businesses and not wearing masks, not being forced into taking vaccinations at the will of our “governmental masters”. If we are hesitant to breathe freely because of the dictates of technocrats and bureaucrats, then we are on the path to surrender.
It is up to us as citizens to be the hero’s of this story. It is the responsibility of law enforcement to not enforce the edicts of the bureaucrats. It is up to the patriots in the health department to not enforce the baseless rules of politicians. It is up to the honest leaders in the medical industry to put forth the true facts about this flu variant. It is up to all of us to call bluff on the hysteria surrounding COVID-19.
It is time to recognize our individual responsibilities. To recognize the need for our individual contribution to one another’s freedoms. It is up to all of us together that we can achieve our goal. We are not just each on our own.
This will not stop until we stop it. They will not give back what power and rights of ours they have taken. We must take it back ourselves.
Invictus Maneo
With deepest love of our great country,
Samaire Sepielli Armstrong